The model kit is very simple and consists of a few parts. The guide lines for color painting on the body surface were different from the studio model in some respects. Some details were also omitted. However, I enjoyed color painting. It was like a watercolor canvas rather than a model kit.

The model kit does not contain any clear part. If you want to illuminate warp engines and main deflector, you need to purchase the clear parts of DLM (Don's Light and Magic).
I have two images for Defiant. One is a studio model and another is video image. I thought whether I could express both two images.
First, I sprayed mat white on the whole body. Second, I traced the joints of steel plates with the black pen. Third, I mixed mat colors faithfully looking at the photograph of the studio model.
However, the result differed from the expression of video. For example, the body, which appears in darkness, has metallic gray. Moreover, the blue is darker. Then, I changed the blue color scheme into the darker thing, watching video. In order to give metallic gloss, I sprayed mat white and gross silver on the whole body like fog from about 2 meters away.
Since various colors are overlapping little by little, coloring of the body is different according to the angle of light.