April 26, 2013

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C
1998 AMT/ERTL #8001 (scale: 1/1400)


I built the Star Trek model for the first time about 20 years ago. This is my second work in 1999.

My wife visited many model kits shops in San Francisco, discovered the kit at last, and presented to me. It is also the first time that I challenged full painting without an airbrush. So, the Enterprise-C is a souvenir very unforgettable for me.

The original studio model of Enterprise-C was manufactured by Gregory B. Jein. He also said that it is one of the unforgettable work. Although his original model was violently damaged by the attack of Romulan, AMT/ERTL gave the beautiful form to the model kit. At the fine mold, I think that it is the best one in the series.

Moreover, since the model kit includes clear parts for the warp nacelles and the deflector, it is suitable for light emitting. If you use the High Brightness LED and hole many windows, I think that it will become quite beautiful.

April 19, 2013

3 Piece U.S.S. Enterprise Set
1998 AMT/ERTL #6618 (scale: 1/2500)


AMT/ERTL has released some 3-piece sets of the Enterprises. I bought two of them. One is this 3 Piece U.S.S. Enterprise Set (1701/1701-A/D Set), and the other is SnapFast U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-B, C and E Set.

Since these are the same 1/2500-scale, I understood the difference in the size of six kinds of the Enterprise well.

However, this set is very lazy in molding. 1701 and 1701-A are very small miniatures (overall length is about 12 cm each), and did not replicate the original studio model well.

Surprisingly 1701-D omitted all windows and lifeboats. So, I made the decals using the transfer seal (P/N 51112 of A-ONE) for ink-jet printers. In addition, these decals were based on EPS files created by Clark Bradshaw. His work deserves praise.